The purpose of dog behavior training is to open the lines of communication between two different species and to create a deeper bond. It gives the dog the tools needed to control their impulses and make better decisions.
Relationship-based dog training goes beyond commands and correcting bad behavior. It sets out to meet the needs of both the dog and the human; an empathetic approach that takes in account the dog’s point of view. This method sets the dog up for success. Just as a child must first learn the sounds of individual letters before they pronounce whole words, your dog needs the chance to master single behaviors without any distractions before moving on to more complicated tasks. We cannot rush this part!
Acute observation and attention to detail is the hallmark of great trainers and successful pet parenting. Like humans, each dog has his or her own unique personality and temperament. They can develop their own quirks, phobias or be agitated and motivated by different things. Identifying all these aspects in your dog is the key for effective training and rehabilitation. We will teach you how to identify those subtle changes in your dogs’ body and facial expressions to spot early stages of arousal, fear or aggression, allowing you to redirect or defuse any situation before it escalates.
Simply put, K9 Trooperz’ approach to training is to understand the dog and give homage to the true teachers of our profession, the dog himself.
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